Monday, March 29, 2010

Mount Bonnell

The last time I went to Mt. Bonnell....I was pregnant with Trey...So i thought it would be nice to take him up and see how beautiful his city is. We did a lot of talking and had great one-on-one time. Trey is the coolest kid EVER! He says the funniest things, and has some quick "come-backs" in his cute little sarcastic voice. Getting several hours to talk to him one-on-one was great. He is not affraid to express what is going on in his life, and I love the fact that he likes to share his life with me. Meaning.... he tells me what is going on at school, the latest gossip on the playground, who isn't friends with whom anymore, issues he may have, and his hopes and dreams as an 8 year old boy. It is truly interesting to hear your 8 year old express their life to you. Advice....LISTEN to them! It's a beautiful sound!

102 stairs going up......

He kept saying, "this is so peaceful"

Hello Austin Sky Line!

Silly boy.... pretending to meditate. LOL. He was making the "hmmmmm" sound.

Fun with shadows

See Trey's dog? Pretty good huh....?

Watch out Karate Kid....

LOVE my city!

Here, he was picking out our next home. He said, "Holy Cow, look at that house. It's HUGE! Mom, how come we don't live in a house like that? (Me, because it's a 5 million dollar home) Trey... Well, I am going to start saving my money so that I can buy that house when I become an adult. Just think mom, if we lived there, I could come home from school, do my homework, and then go ride a jet-ski....wouldn't that be great?!"
Dream BIG Trey, Dream BIG!

See me?

All of the flowers are starting to bloom. Had to take some pics.

Love on a rock.

The wind was blowing pretty hard, so Trey wanted to "fly".

Trey: "You fly momma"
Me: "No problem son"
(Check out Trey's picture taking abilities....not to shabby!)

Is he just not the cutest? Geez.....

More shadow fun...

Another impersonation.... Michael Jackson!


102 stairs going down...

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