Thursday, January 8, 2009


Our Christmas this year was rather hectic. We thought we were moving into our house before Christmas, so we didn't decorate or anything. Turns out we are not moving into our house until Jan 15th, so I guess we could have been more festive for Christmas. Trey spent Christmas Eve with us. We went to my PawPaw's house like we do every year for great food and family. Christmas morning, Trey had a GREAT Christmas at his dad's house. He came over for just a little bit on Christmas day to see what Santa had left him. He was so surprised to see a gocart! When we move into our new house, Trey will be able to ride it everywhere! Aurelio and I didn't really do Christmas for each other due to our HUGE purchase...OUR HOME! This is an invitation for everyone...Christmas will be at our house next year....! We have always wanted to host a close family event like Christmas! On Christmas night, we went over to our friends' house for a bonfire and games. This Holiday was a success, but we are glad it's over.
The fam!

Trey got a Razor Gocart from Santa!

This kid loves clothes!

Aurelio is singing the song he wrote for me!
I was feeling festive on Christmas night.

The Martinez Family
My Christmas lunch plate!!! Yummy, thanks to my wonderful mom and aunts.
Merry Christmas

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

E and C

Here are the precious twin girls that I care for at night! They are doing AWESOME! Most of the nights they are sleeping 7-8 hours at a time....YAY!!! That's the goal! These two girls are so strong and such good babies. These are a few pictures that I took of them.

Monday, January 5, 2009

New photos of TREY!

I realized that I have not taken pictures of Trey in over a YEAR!!! On Saturday, Trey and I went to take a few updated pictures of him. Of course he is a fabulous model, so the photoshoot went by extremely well.