Friday, September 17, 2010

Surprise Birthday for Carlee

Carlee LOVES Sean McConnell, so her boyfriend decided to take her to his show in San Antonio. She secretly wanted her friends to go, but also loved spending time alone with hey man.... Anyway, Carlee was already in San Antonio getting ready for the concert while we (friends) were in a limo on our way there to surprise her with a fun filled night.

Headed to San Antonio
Waiting to surprise her...she's right outside the window!!!!
Her boyfriend opens the door and says, "Get in"...she thought he was kidding......SURPRISE!!!
Carlee and Sean McConnell
These guys all came together and were ridiculously crowding the front of the stage..... what the hell?
So we made fun of them...(not nice, I know...but it was pretty funny)
On our way home to Austin.
Acting quite normal here....
Who knows?....
Michael....No no no.... not for this blog!

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