Monday, April 12, 2010

Baseball Pictures

Trey and his team took pictures on Saturday morning.  Here are a few of the boys just waiting in line for their professional picture (which is NEVER very good). 

Trey's team pic...from my camera about 100ft away. The "Professional Photographers" get upset if you whip in there and use your own camera...So I attempted to snag one anyway... he he he

Trey is the bottom case you can't find him.

Now that Kona is all spayed and healed...We try to take her on field trips every chance we get. She acts stupid most of the time...but she is getting better with every outing.

Still practicing with the leash....

Trey stole my camera.... These are the photos that are left behind.

This is Billy, Trey's dear friend that is on his baseball team this year. Every season, Trey bonds more with one of the boys than the others....this year it is Billy. He is such a sweet kid!

1 comment:

Jessica Morrison said...

Those pictures are awesome Shea! Thanks for the link and for having Billy over Friday night. He had a blast and wants you to adopt him now ;)
See you soon.