Friday, April 2, 2010

Funny things are BACK!!!

Funny things that I used to do as a child are BACK!!! I thought this day would never come! However, the kids now-a-days are getting in trouble for the most famous things!

Indian Burns! We used to do this to every kid in the class. Now, I get a call from his teacher saying, "Trey Indian Burned someone today, and this is just unacceptable" LOL ha ha ha ha Its super funny to me!!!

The "London France Song"
I see London, I see France, I see "Mary's" underpants!!!!

Ha ha ha, Trey also got in trouble for saying this to a kid at school.

When I told Trey that his teacher called me and told me these things... He says, "Mom, you are the one that taught me the London France song."

Ha ha ha ha ha
He is RIGHT! 


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