Aaron Williams (AJ) and Trey. They both adore each other! AJ is such a wonderful person to know, and Trey loves every second of his company. Goooooo Longhorns!
Me and my super handsome son!!

Our new puppy, Kona, is getting SO BIG. She is now 5 months old and weighs 33 lbs!!!! Holy cow

Kona loved playing in the snow during the freak snowing in Austin last week. I couldn't get her to come inside. "If you can't beat em'.....join em'!" So that's what I did. I took my camera out and snapped some cute shots.

Me and the Hubby with bunny ears! Thanks Paul!

A random shot of our random love!

Candace, Rachel and I at Rachel's bridal shower. These are the two girls I am going to Mexico with.....With all of our husbands, of course!

Candace, Rachel and I at Rachel's bridal shower. These are the two girls I am going to Mexico with.....With all of our husbands, of course!