It was reaching 10:30am, and Trey was STILL asleep. We were supposed to go have Mother's Day breakfast, but that was quickly turning into Mother's Day brunch. I walked into Trey's room to wake him up...and it was pitch-dark in his room. This threw me off for a second...My mom made Trey roman shades for his room and just installed them the night before, so that is why it stayed so dark. I pulled those puppies all the way up and opened the blinds!!! "Happy Mother's Day to me....Happy Mother's Day to me...Happy Mother's Day to meeeeeee!" -I was singing at the top of my lungs!!! Trey woke up laughing so hard! (Thanks mom for the shades)
We got dressed in his Mother's Day get-up, and took some pics outside. Then he played a little on his electric guitar, and we were off to Maudies for brunch!
At school, they went to the Nursery to pick out flowers for the mom's. Trey picked out pink ones for me. Then they wrote on a card "Here are flowers and a kiss from me" everyone in the class had to put on red lipstick (even the boys!!!) and kiss the card. Trey said it felt gross and never wants to wear it ever again....."GOOD" I said.
Trey sent out cards to all of the grandma's in our family, and then on Mother's Day, we called them to wish them a personal "Happy Mother's Day". I sent out cards to all of my "nanny children's moms". (basically all of my twin and triplet moms...they deserve it!)
Mother's Day 2009 was a huge success!!!