Trey now goes to the school that is in our neighborhood!!! He has been so excited for this day to come. We went on a tour of the school earlier in the year, but he just couldn't wait for the actual first day. We went to "meet the teacher night" the Thursday before school started where we met Mrs. Rice! She is in her mid 50's and reminds me of Gigi (my mom). She is very bubbly, happy and animated when she is talking to the kids. Trey has 19 kids in his class and only knows one of them...Madeline, she came from his school last year too!
The night before the first day, I told Trey to pick out his outfit and lay it out to be ready for the morning. He had his school supplies ready, outfit ready, and backpack ready to go for the morning. He climbed into bed and said,
"I am going right to sleep so that I can wake up quicker in the morning."
(that's what I always tell him the night before Christmas and also when the tooth fairy comes...)
That morning, he popped out of bed the first time i said,
"Trey, time to get up..."
it normally takes a few times for him to get out of bed...not this morning! He got dressed in record timing, brushed his teeth, ate eggs and bacon and was ready to go by saying,
"Hurry up mom, hurry up".
He followed me into the bathroom to brush my teeth where he said in the sweetest voice, " you think it would be ok if i wore cologne the first day?"
Without laughing i said, "I think that is a great idea"....and then out the door we went.
We got to his classroom and he sat down and started to do his new morning routine at school. I snapped a few pictures and said bye a few times until I got the "get out of here mom look from him". I was fine until i started walking down the hallway and out to my car, and that's when I realized my eyes were filling up with tears. I thought to myself, "he's in 2nd freaking grade...why am i upset? I've done this several times before..." I get in the car and call my soon as she answered...
"Mom, did you cry when you dropped us off for 2nd grade?"
She just laughed and said, "No, not 2nd grade..."
I explained to her that I was tearing up and didn't know why. After talking, I figured out that it is several things.
1. I remember very clearly when Aaron (brother) and I sat down the night before school and set out our school supplies and outfits and was so excited for the first day....and now here I am doing it with MY CHILD....
2. All the other years he went to a school that was like a house. Jackie's Private School was great, but it was not set up like a "real" school, so I guess it just didn't hit me until now. He now has real hallways to walk through and real classrooms to learn in.
3. He is so Type-A personality. He is so independent and mature and growing up so fast.... He just walked right in that school, sat down with a Mr. Cool attitude and began doing what he was supposed to do... my baby is growing up and at that just got to me.
Then I called my dad and asked him the same question..."Did you get emotional dropping me off at school?" Here's what my dad said....
"Are you kidding...No I was not emotional...I was a little upset though. I pulled up to that school, was about to park and walk you into your classroom, and the second I turned around...your little butt was marching into school waving by and saying..."I'll be fine...By dad". " So I guess I know where Trey gets his independent-ness...if that's even a word.
Now that three days of school have gone by, he comes home saying "School is Awesome!" He rides his bike to and from school and loves it! We timed the bike-ride and it only takes 4 min from our driveway to the bike rack at school! Wow!!! Our neighborhood in the mornings looks like a Fourth of July Parade....there are TONS of kids/parents walking, riding their bikes and scooters to school. There are about 15 kids from our two streets that all ride together. This is the neighborhood I've always wanted to be in. It is such a wonderful thing for him to experience this kind of "love" from your neighborhood....and he doesn't even know it.
At the "meet the teacher night", the kids were to pick out a task for the parents to do...without us knowing what they were choosing. Trey chose "Treasure Chest Mom". YAY...good one Trey! We bought an old trunk that looks like a pirates chest and filled it with goodies! I am also the "Photography Mom". Perfect for me too!!! I signed up to go on field trips and also for the PTA! To think, Baby Shea is now a PTA weird. You can pick what you want to help out with, so I chose
Memory Book (Yearbook)
Spirit Items for School (selling school hats, t-shirts, etc.)
TAKS testing help (passes out snacks during the TAKS testing week)
Math Mom (help tutor kids)
Science Mom (help in the classroom with experiments)
...and some other ones, but its 4am right now, and I can't remember what they are.
Trey's classroom.

Getting ready!

"Stop taking pictures mom"
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